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Women Empowerment Program in Nepal

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Working toward women’s empowerment enables you to support women in their pursuit for healthy and sustainable livelihoods. Women’s groups provide a forum for issues such as family health, women’s rights, and access to resources, income generation, and other challenges women face in their daily lives. Volunteers have the opportunity to exchange ideas, collaborate in ongoing projects, teach basic English skills, help with small businesses, and be a positive role model. You can also provide support in many other ways, depending on your skills and interests and the needs of the local community.So, Future Nepal invites all interested national and international volunteers to be a part of our women development programs. Your small effort can make a big difference to the women in the most marginalized communities.

Volunteers can work in a naturally  beautiful hilly region villages a little far away from capital Kathmandu while exploring the culture surrounding. They can experience wonderful views of many Himalayan peaks as well as beautiful waterfalls, landscape, flora, fauna etc. It is a very backward and poor community. The ethnic of the village are gurung, magar, tamang, newar, braman. Mostly communities are very poor and backward. Volunteers will be placed in a typically Nepalese families. The family offer Nepalese foods three times a day. You will have great opportunities there to experience thei culture, tradition, religion and way of living.
  • Location:
    Thamel Street, Thamel
    Kathmandu, Bagmati
  • Date:
    Nov 01, 2022 To Jun 30, 2023
  • Time:
  • People Required:
  • Estimated Time Required:
  • More information:
  • Response Criteria:
    Age :
    18 To 60
    Gender :
    Must be verified by: